
How Your Headline Can Improve Your Businesses Sales & Marketing 20-Fold

June 16, 20245 min read

How Your Headline Can Improve Your Businesses Sales & Marketing 20-Fold

Headlines make or break your business.

It is as simple as that.

They are unquestionably the most important element in nearly all forms of advertising and any selling message. Be it in person, on a call, or via text.

You may have heard the statement “Copy is King”.

This is true. An ad that looks super flashy with a bad message, is just a nice photo that’s no better than an art piece in a gallery (except it is nowhere near as valuable).

You can however have an exceptionally good message with your marketing and still have no one read it.

How is that you ask?

Because the king of copy is your headline.


Why Headlines Are So Important.

The headline is the opener. It is what customers see when they are first exposed to your business. It sets the tone for all your sales and marketing communications.

This ranges from not only the headline written on a website or an ad, but the first words you and your salespeople utter when engaging anyone in a sales presentation or one-to-one discussion.

Your headline (or its equivalent) is the first phrase spoken in a conversation when a customer comes to your shop or calls you.

It is the very first sentence you state when you record a commercial or meet people at any networking type of event.

You get the idea.

The headline is the embodiment of “first things first”.

If it isn’t your top priority, then you could quite simply lose people forever.

No matter what else you do, first impressions last. You could have the best product or service the world has seen, yet no one will see it without a good headline.

Remember this, the purpose of a headline is to grab your prospect’s ATTENTION.


Be Direct with Your Headline.

When I say your “prospect”, I mean that your headline should zero in on precisely whom you want to reach. Your target market if you will.

Let me give you an example so it is clear.

If you are looking to reach homeowners in your service area, put the word “homeowners” in “[area]” in the headline.

This way your headline acts as an ad for your ad.

The headline should tell the reader clearly and concisely from the get-go what it is that they are going to gain from continuing to read the rest of your message.

This level of ‘simplicity’ is what helps to garner the right attention and avoid any confusion of “is this product or service meant for me?”

You want a headline that gives the reader a Big Benefit or Big Promise.

You must create a headline that tells the right people precisely what you are offering them.


The 80/20 Rule of Headlines.

The Pareto Principle states that: “80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes”.

This most definitely is the case with headlines.

When you are formulating your headline (or equivalent opener), you have essentially spent at least 80 pence out of your advertising pound.

In other words, 80% of your results – 4/5ths of your outcome… all but 20% of the success from your selling efforts is positively or negatively affected by your initial communication. E.g., the structure and delivery of your headline.

You can see up to 20 times improvement in responses and acceptance or your proposition from customers by just changing the headline.

There is true power in becoming a master of headlines.

What should you do to become a master?


Key Elements to Include in Your Headline.

Each headline (or equivalent opening statement) that you write for your business should appeal to the customers self-interests.

They should be promised a desirable and appealing benefit from buying what you are selling. Make this promise as specific as can be.

You should introduce “news” or “educational” value into the headline where possible.

People want to gain benefit, pleasure, and value in their lives from the actions they take. This rings true from their jobs or businesses, and most importantly their relationships.

Most people are living lives that are not filled with endless positivity. As such, the last thing they want is further negativity when they see an ad or walk into a place of business.


What to AVOID with Your Headlines.

What you don’t want to do is make your headline overly negative. Research shows that most negative headlines are not received well enough. The only way negativity can work to your advantage is by underscoring any undesirable results the prospect can expect to eliminate or avoid.

It is paramount for them to avoid further dissatisfaction, mediocrity, and unpleasantness in their lives. Give them hope and excitement. Nothing false or untrue.

You must highlight the good that comes from your product or service. Show them this whilst highlighting the adverse effects of not purchasing your product or service.

No one will buy something when it is predisposed by negativity. You must start with the good and end with the bad.

Finally, avoid blind headlines. What do I mean?

If you read your headline and can safely say that someone would be able to take action directly from it, then you’re all good.

If you need to continue reading or listening to the entire proposition, then you have some work to do.

Give people a reason to WANT to continue paying attention to you. You owe it to them to get to the end of what you have to say. Not the other way around.


If you are looking for someone to look at your marketing messages, get in touch for a FREE marketing consultation today:

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