Most local businesses have a great product or service that people actually need. The main issue is businesses don’t actually prompt a sale with their messaging. If you want to make $1million ASAP then... ...more
October 27, 2024•5 min read
There are 5 billion+ websites on the internet, with thousands more being added every single day. Just publishing a website is no longer enough. But how can you get more traffic without spending a fort... ...more
October 20, 2024•6 min read
If you're struggling to get more sales it might not be your product or service offer that is the issue. If your writing is not grabbing and holding onto people’s attention like a rodeo clown at a bull... ...more
October 06, 2024•4 min read
Most marketing doesn’t sound like a human actually wrote it. You wouldn’t find yourself talking to a friend let alone a prospective customer in such a way. You need to use the BAR test! ...more
September 21, 2024•4 min read
Everyone can write, but only few can write well. If you can become part of the select few who can write well you will see dramatic differences in your businesses success. ...more
September 14, 2024•4 min read
No matter the size of your business, don’t fall victim to this common mistake. You may think that everything is fine now, but it is always the thing would never be an issue that eventually becomes one... ...more
September 09, 2024•5 min read
Your business is missing out on loads of potential customers because you’re missing these 3 words. You’re missing out on those ready to buy now and those who may buy later. These 3 words are super eas... ...more
September 02, 2024•5 min read
You don’t want people to get annoyed with your ads or have them think that you don’t understand them. You need to take them on the ‘journey’ and make sure you are there as early as possible to guide t... ...more
August 25, 2024•5 min read
Everyone wants new customers for their business. More than anything, businesses want the customers who are ‘hungry’ for their business. The ones ready to sign on the dotted line, but how can you find ... ...more
August 18, 2024•4 min read