Writing Sales

The Easy Writing Fix to Guarantee You More Clients

September 14, 20244 min read

The Easy Writing Fix to Guarantee You More Clients

Do you know what the most under-rated superpower in business is?

It isn’t being a good salesman, nor being the best at providing your product or service.

This superpower can help you easily gain the attention of your ideal clients and showcase your business as the experts of your field and service area.

So, what is this skill?


We all know how to write, but the harsh reality is that most people’s writing is sub-par at best. It doesn’t keep people glued to the page wanting to read more.

This is more critical than ever in our TikTok minded society. Everyone has the attention span of a goldfish. If you cannot gain people’s attention and continue to hold it, then they are going to move onto the next dopamine hit.

The great news is that you don’t have to be the next Shakespeare or Dicken’s. Almost everyone can write content that makes people want to buy from them. You just need to hone in a few tips and tricks to set you apart from the competition.


How Do You Become a Good Enough Writer?

Everyone thinks that you need to be doing something super-duper fancy to write well.

This is incorrect.

It is all about simplicity and not over-complicating things. You want to use basic language that your audience can easily understands. None of these 4, 5+ syllable words that even the Egg Heads wouldn’t have heard of.

Doesn’t matter if you are writing social media posts, emails, or any other form of text-based content. This is applicable to all forms of the written word. By utilising these tips and tricks you will inject energy into your words and keep readers captivated for longer.

Now, let’s leave all the fancy writing structures and types of language to the school education system. We want to focus on the one key metric that matters to all businesses no matter how big or small they are.


We want to be able to write things that help push people towards a sale time after time.


How to Get People to Pay Attention to What You Write

You must hook the reader. Give people a reason to read on. If someone cannot understand what you’re writing about from your opening line, they won’t read on. You need people to know that your content is for them.

A useful exercise is the ‘Grandma’ test. Think, “is this something that my grandma would likely read?” If yes, you have a much higher chance of someone wanting to read your stuff.

If you can’t get people to read past the first line, then the rest doesn’t matter. Could be the exact information your prospective customers are looking for. But it is wasted if no one ever reads it.

We have all been in that situation when we go onto Google and look for something we want to buy. Doesn’t matter if it is a product or a service, everyone looks at a mix of different websites before making a buying decision.

Whether you realise it or not, you will subconsciously just scroll past all the massive paragraphs of text on people’s websites. At best you will do a quick scan through to try find the information you are after.

We all think the same thing when we see an instruction manual worth of text on a website, “I’m not reading all that!”

Consider this article for a minute.

It is easy to read. The text isn’t bunched together in one big paragraph. There is a good flow, and it avoids any mumbo-jumbo jargon that the everyday reader wouldn’t understand.


Short & Sweet Content Only?

Does everything you write need to be at a primary school level? Does it need to be super dumbed down to get your point across?

Of course not.

You still want to show you expertise and that you are the go-to for your field by highlighting some level of technical knowhow.

The point of this article is to make you aware that structure is crucial for getting your readers initial attention and then keeping it.

It’s not only the written word, but any video and audio too. You have to mix it up to keep people interested. There is nothing worse than being monotone in communication.

For now, I will leave you with that.

If you can grab people’s attention and make them think, “finally, piece of content that is easily readable” you are onto a winner.


Catch you all in the next one,




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