1-Step Lead Generation

Keep it Simple with This ‘1 Step’ Process for Getting New Customers

June 23, 20245 min read

Keep it Simple with This ‘1 Step’ Process for Getting New Customers

If you are new to online advertising or have just not found much success with it. Then this is the article for you.

Over the next few minutes, I will explain the simplest way to generate high quality leads for your business month after month.

Let’s get into it


Out With The Old.

We have been blessed with the age of the internet, and more importantly the advent of social media.

Advertising principles are still the same but how you apply them to getting customers is a whole different ball game.

The last big thing before social media advertising was TV advertising.

Before that it was radio advertising.

Prior to that you had those big swanky billboards.

If you were lucky and had the capital, you might have invested in a direct marketing campaign whereby you got given a list of names of people who you could contact.

All these methods seemed like great ways to advertise your business. They may still seem good now. Except, they all lack one key thing.



In With The New.

When I say measurability, I am referring to the ability to determine the source of your new customers.

You can ask people when they become customers how they heard of your business.

Issue with this is threefold:

1.      People are forgetful.

2.      People sometimes lie.

3.      You don’t know how many other people saw the ad and didn’t get in touch.

This is where online advertising comes into a league of its own.

With tools such as Meta and Google ads, you can easily access a dashboard displaying such information. For example, how many people saw your ad, and how many people clicked on it.

This makes them measurable.

It also makes them a much more favourable option than previous methods.


Why People Think Online Marketing Is More Difficult

When it comes to online marketing a lot of people make the “oh, I’m not sure about that” face.

People are scared because they don’t understand how it works.

The irony is that the old methods are a lot more unreliable and are extremely difficult to prove their effectiveness.

The next issue people face is that the advertising platforms look confusing to the untrained eye.

Unlike the old methods where you just give a company your name, service, and contact information, then off you go.

In addition, you have the multiple companies and individuals who have ruined it for the rest of us legit marketers.

The ones who saw the internet as an opportunity to scam people out of their money.

The thing is that this is the same with all advertising. Scammers and people who exploit the system are nothing new.

They will masquerade no matter the environment.


Why Online Marketing Is The Easiest And Best Option

The good news is that the complexities of online marketing are not as complex as they seem on the surface.

Once you understand that the same timeless principles for all marketing apply, then you are off to the races.

When you are first starting your online campaigns there are a few things to bear in mind:

1.      Simplicity.

You want to keep it simple.

Confusing people is the worst thing you can do, because a confused person does the worst thing possible.



2.      Direct.

You want to keep your message to the point.

You want it to be directed to who you are selling to.

This way they immediately know it is for them.


3.      Timing.

The advertising platform will not give you brand new customers the second you click the button to publish your ad.

It takes time for it to understand your audience and who to best show the ad to for conversions.


4.      Testing.

From the audience you target, to the words you write on the ad, and the photo/video you have playing on the ad.

It can all be tweaked until you are getting a steady flow of your ideal customer.


This is the main advantage of online marketing.

You are in full control of all features and the amount of money you spend on it.

If you are having a quiet month and need more customers, you can spend more on ads.

Likewise, if you are having a busier month, you can dial it back a bit.


So How Do You Implement This?

You first need a sales funnel.

This is the process of turning a complete stranger into a paying customer.

Each phase gets someone closer to buying. Naturally this means you lose potential customers who are not a good fit for what you are selling.

To start building up your sales funnel you want to go spear fishing.

What I mean by that is you need to take an active approach.

This is how most ads are formulated:

1.      You write your ad.

2.      You explain what you offer.

3.      You say how good you are at it.

4.      You give some form of offer to entice people.

5.      Then you close off with a way for people to immediately buy or get in touch with you to purchase.

This approach is known as the One Step Lead Generation method.

It is the easiest way to get started with online marketing, and a great way to get new leads into your business.


If you would like another set of eyes to look at your online marketing or help you set up your first campaigns:

Then get in touch today for a FREE marketing audit.

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