2-Step Lead Generation

Most Businesses Don’t Know About this Lead Generation Method

June 30, 20244 min read

Most Businesses Don’t Know About this Lead Generation Method

Starting online advertising can be quite the minefield.

You want to start out with something straightforward.

But even the more ‘complex’ methods are simple to set up and just as easy to maintain thereafter.


The Strategy Everyone Uses, But Shouldn’t Solely Rely On

There are 2 main avenues for lead generation through sponsored or paid advertising.

Everyone is aware of the 1-step lead generation model.

They might not know it by name (you should if you have read my previous article wink wink nudge nudge) but are familiar with the concept.

To recap, it’s like spear fishing. It is an active approach.

You run your ad by presenting what your product or service does to help people. You explain your offer and highlight how good it is. Then you ask for the sale or commitment immediately.

You can get sales and commitments from this method. But only a small percentage of people are going to be ready to buy right away.

Most people who see the ad will never buy unfortunately.

This is because the entry barrier is too high.

What should you do instead then?


The Secret Lead Generation Method

Compared to 1-step, this method is very underutilised and underrated.

Instead of spear fishing for a few fish here and there, wouldn’t it be great to have a big fishing net that could catch dozens of fish at a time.

How is it that you deploy the ‘big fishing net’?

Funnily enough you need to start with the 1-step method that we outlined above.

Here is the twist.

Instead of asking for the sale or commitment straight away, you provide your prospective clients with some free value first.

This could be in the form or a guide/e-book, an article, or a short video.

The only stipulation is that prospective customers must provide you with their contact information to receive this free value (normally their name and email address).

Note: make it clear this free value will be sent via email. This way it ensures nobody is giving you fake emails in return for your free value.

The entry barrier is lower and a lot easier to say yes to.


The Benefits Of The Secret Lead Generation Method

This allows for two positive things:

The first is you have a list of people’s emails who have shown some interest in your product or service.

You can now keep in constant communication with them. You can send periodic emails with further free value, sales, and so on.

The sale is in the follow up. If people keep seeing free value from you, they will see you as an expert in the field. If they then decide they want the product or service, they are most likely to turn to you for it.

The second positive comes from the little tracking device known as the pixel.

When you run an ad, the pixel tracks all the interactions people made with it.

You now have data for a group of people (audience) who are somewhat interested in your product or service. You can now run further ads specifically targeting this new audience.

This is called re-targeting and is a staple of generating high quality leads for your business.


Why It Is Such An Effective Form Of Lead Generation

You first provide value, then you ask for the sale. Hence the name 2-step lead generation.

By warming up an audience and building familiarity with them you gain their trust. This increases the likelihood of them spending money with you.

Imagine you ran a lead generation campaign.

You manage to reach 100,000 people.

From the pixel, you see that 5,000 people showed some level of interest.

You can now run your secondary ad to those 5,000 people 20no. times for the same cost as just running a variation of your original ad to the original group of 100,000 people.

Most of the 100,000 are unlikely to move forward with a purchase. Whereas a large proportion of the 5,000 will.

This is the power of retargeting and why it beats the broad approach every day.

You have probably had it where you’ve clicked on an ad and then it seems to follow you around.

The pixel gathered data on you and now you are being re-targeted.

It may be annoying at times, but don’t use your own feelings as a barometer of what is good. It does the trick at convincing lots of people to make a purchase.

2-step lead generation is one of the greatest opportunities of our time. Yet, it’s seen as too complicated.


If this is something that you are interested in exploring, I will personally see what I would do in your situation:

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