Shortcut to $1million

The Shortcut to Make $1Million in Your Business ASAP

October 27, 20245 min read

The Shortcut to Make $1Million in Your Business ASAP

All you must do is read to the end of this article to receive the money!

If only it was that easy.

But the next easiest way to achieve this feat in your business is through the correct use of a Call To Action (CTA). Let’s delve into the magic of building a compelling CTA for your business so you can start getting more sales TODAY!


What is the CTA & Why Do You Need it in Your Business

Have you ever noticed that when you shop online you’re more drawn to the products or services that are easy to buy?

If you have not been prompted to make a purchase or get in touch, then you are less likely to go out of your way and do so. This is what the CTA does. It makes people to want to buy or at least consider buying.

Typically, it is a button that may simply say “contact us” or “buy now”.


How to Evoke Emotion, Enthusiasm, & Make Your Audience React

Your CTA needs to align with what you offer. You should start your CTA with a strong verb. For most local businesses, you are offering a service, and you will want to say, “call now”, or “book an appointment”. If you have a store you might say “buy”, “shop”, or “order”.

This makes it clear to people what they will get when clicking on your CTA. Anyone who does click on the CTA will be somewhat interested in purchasing from you.

Imagine you are selling holiday packages. What is going to make someone more likely to book a holiday from you? “Book your holiday now” or “Plan your dream vacation today!”.

Although the first is clear about what you are getting, it doesn’t evoke any emotion. It doesn’t make people get excited about what you have to offer. Notice how the second option also has a punctuation mark at the end of it – this can help to add that extra little pop to your CTA.

You want to make sure you are giving people a reason to react to your CTA. For instance, if you sell bespoke kitchens and just say “call us”, then only the people who 100% want a new kitchen will likely call. Versus if you said, “call us for your FREE quote and chance to get a FREE microwave with your NEW kitchen”. You can see how the second option states the action they need to take and provides a reason to act.


Where Should My CTA Be & How to Make it Visually Appealing

Where on earth do you put your CTA to make sure you get the most clicks? How should it look? How often should you have your CTA?

You need to make sure that the CTA looks like a button. It needs to stand out from the page. If it isn’t obvious that it is a button, how can you expect anyone to click on it?

Make sure your CTA stands out from the rest of your text. It should be a different colour to the rest of the site, whilst keeping in line with your colour scheme. You should also make the font bigger than any surrounding text.

Have your first CTA “above the fold”. E.g., you should be able to see the CTA as soon as you click onto the home page. It should follow on from your pages headline and help those who are ready to buy act.

You also want another CTA at the end of the page. What you don’t want to do is have a CTA button after every line of text/paragraph and photo. If you have a really long web page, consider an intermediate CTA.


The Power of the Words That Are NOT in Your CTA

Although the CTA does a lot of the heavy lifting in terms of getting someone to make a purchase, a CTA on its own won’t mean a lot. Your first CTA should follow your headline.

If the headline is “Looking for a new kitchen in the [location] area” and you follow it with “Download now” then people will be confused. You must match the CTA with the rest of the text (and vice versa).

The supporting text should serve as the opening act that gets people warmed up and excited for the main show. You should have people reading your page and as they get to the CTA button they think “yes, I want that” (p.s., this itself is an effective CTA!)


What Do You Do Once You Have Your CTA?

Once you have your CTA, the work isn’t done yet.

You must test, test, test again. You should be doing an A/B split test whereby you have 2 different CTA’s and see which one performs better.

You will continue to do this as time goes on and keep fine tuning your CTA’s. Some may work for years, whereas others might just be seasonal.

The point here is don’t just assume that your CTA is good without having some data to back up it up. Even if you have data that says your CTA is doing well, what is the harm in having another one just to check if you can do even better?


What are you waiting for? Get writing and testing those CTA’s NOW.


Catch you in the next one,


If you are unsure how to implement the above or not sure if the above is implemented in your business. Then get in touch with us via the form below.

I will personally look at your business and provide a FREE marketing analysis that we can run through on a call together.

If you like what I have to say, then we can look at options to work together. If not, feel free to take what I told you and implement it yourself.

No fee, no obligation.

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