Grab readers attention

How to Grab Your Readers Attention Like a Rodeo Clown at a Bullfight

October 06, 20244 min read

How to Grab Your Readers Attention Like a Rodeo Clown at a Bullfight

By now you have already unlocked 2 major secrets to improving your writing skills. If you don’t know these yet or have forgotten (shame on you 😉) go back and have a look at our other 2 articles:

The easiest way to make a sale?

Bring the energy! Make people excited about your offer.

No one, and I repeat NO ONE, wants to read some nonstop monologue – this is especially the case when selling.

Get right to the point and stop with the “waffling”.

There is only one time when people want waffles and it sure isn’t in your writing.

The problem most people (including the old me) make, is that they don’t even realise that they are doing it.

So, how can you catch yourself in the act?


How to Spot and Eradicate Waffling Like a Pro

As always, the best way to learn is through some examples. Let’s look at the following:

“Today we will be holding the meeting that we usually have at five o’clock and shall be discussing the topic of ‘improving your businesses writing’.”

Or this:

“I wanted to get in touch with you because we are offering a new system that will revolutionise getting you new and consistent leads through the door for your business.”

How about this:

“I hope this email finds you well. I know you are a busy person and have a jam-packed schedule, so I won’t take up too much of your time.”

Can you spot the common theme amongst all of these?

Waffle city. And not the good kind where you can get chocolate, strawberries, and whipped cream.

It is all so wishy washy and isn’t getting to the heart of the message.

Hopefully you can see how painful it is to get through this type of writing. People are busy and just want to know what something is about. So, why not give it to them already?


The Short & Sweet Waffling Fix

How do I fix these god-awful sentences?

Let’s dive right in:

“Today we will be holding the meeting that we usually have at five o’clock and shall be discussing the topic of ‘improving your businesses writing’.”

Do you actually want people to come to your meeting?

Try this instead:

“Subject for today’s 5pm meeting is ‘improving your businesses writing’.”

Much smoother, like orange juice with no pulp.

Our next sentence was:

“I wanted to get in touch with you because we are offering a new system that will revolutionise getting you new and consistent leads for your business.”

Who cares about being revolutionary as a local business?

Why not simply say:

“We help local businesses to get more leads. Would you be interested?”

Nice and to the point.

And saving the best to last:

“I hope this email finds you well. I know you are a busy person and have a jam-packed schedule, so I won’t take up too much of your time.”

The easiest fix of them all:


You say nothing. One, you don’t really care if an email finds someone well (honestly, ask yourself, have you ever found an email well?). Two, you are inadvertently wasting people’s time by telling them you know they’re busy and how you don’t want to waste their time.

Come on now. People can smell the inauthenticity and quite frankly get pissed off when you are clearly wasting more of their time by elongating getting to the point.


Stop Beating Around the Bush with Your Writing Already

There is no honour in not being direct about your message.

It is the same as when you are talking with someone face to face.

People start to do that motioning with their hands to say, “get to the point already”.

The same happens with the written word. You want to get to your destination as soon as possible so that you can get the definitive ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer pronto.

Otherwise, you are wasting their time and your own time. And nobody has time to be wasting. Everyone is busy.

So, go forth and cut straight through the bush and watch your sales skyrocket.


Catch you in the next one,


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