Writing Sales

Nobody Is Talking About This Trick That Guarantees You More Sales

September 21, 20244 min read

Nobody Is Talking About This Trick That Guarantees You More Sales

In our previous article (see it here if you haven’t already: https://ablway.com/blog/b/the-easy-writing-fix-to-guarantee-you-more-clients) we discussed the best ways to make sure people read what you’ve written.

We looked at how to get someone’s attention. But it is another thing to keep that attention.

Just because you have someone in the first line does not ensure they’ll stay until the last. Every line needs to keep them on the edge of their seat wanting more.

What can you do to ensure this is the case?

Simply do what you would in a bar.


How Going to Bars Improves Your Writing

Sales is no different to dating.

Both have the end goal of you wanting to get something from the other person.

If you approached someone at a bar you wouldn’t introduce yourself and then list the reasons why you’d make a great partner.

That’d be a 1-way ticket to having a drink thrown in your face. Best case scenario is that you bore the other person to death, and they do that awkward smile and nod. All while trying to escape the conversation ASAP.

Stop being robotic. You aren’t AI (at least I hope you aren’t). Even the terminator had better social skills than this.

What does approaching someone at a bar have to do with your writing skills?

When writing imagine you’re approaching someone at a bar. E.g., write like you’re talking to someone face-to-face. Removing the flirting of course.


Implementing the BAR Test

Once you have your copy (technical term for the text you write). Be it for your website, social media posts, and so on.

You must now think “would I say this to someone I had just met?”

Most of the time this will catch out the obvious robotic and AI like behaviour.

I believe in practical use cases, so let’s run through an example together:

“Businesses help to solve people’s pain points by providing a solution to a common problem. This is the premise of all businesses, whether you provide a product or service. The main issue businesses have is that not enough people know the business has a solution to their problem.”

If I said that to you, you would most likely sit there silently nodding and thinking, “is this guy on drugs?” In an actual conversation it would sound more like this:

“Most business owners know they help others out for a living. But you cannot expect to get much work if no one has heard of you, can you?”

This is much more to the point and how you would speak to another human.

If someone wanted a long winded and stagnant answer, they would simply go to ChatGPT. You can do better than that, trust me.


The Hack to Take Your Writing to the Next Level

You may be sitting there and thinking that you’ve carried out the ‘bar’ test with your writing.

I’ve been there myself, where I’ve written something and thought I had applied the ‘bar’ test. Only for someone to point out a glaringly obvious mistake and how it just doesn’t make sense.

I’m going to save you the frustration and share a hack to help you overcome this. It will make sure you never have any writing blunders again. You may think it is silly and couldn’t possibly work. But when you do it once, and witness its power, you will never be able to not do it.

Simply. Read what you have written, out loud.

If you cannot make it through your own writing without tripping up and losing breath, then how do you expect someone else to read it?

Don’t just sit there and mutter it to yourself. Read it aloud as if a mate was sat opposite you.

If you have to read it slow, then there is no flow.

The words should roll off your tongue with ease. No stutters or awkward pauses to recompose yourself.

You shouldn’t have sentences that seem to never end. If you are taking breaths in a sentence, then I have news for you. There should be a period in there.

Remember, you want to have some variety in your sentence and paragraph lengths. Some may be longer (not too long). Others will be shorter. Maybe with only a couple words. Like this.

If you can just spare the 5 minutes to read your text out loud, you will see leaps and bounds in your writing ability.

What are you waiting for? Go forth and see the impact it has on your sales.


Want to know more about how we would implement the BAR test in your material?

Click the link below for a FREE marketing evaluation today.

I will personally take a look at your stuff and run through it with you on a call.

If you like what I have to say then great, we can take a deeper dive and look at working together. If not, no harm, no foul, you can even take what I tell you and use it for yourself.

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